The result is a revolutionary, no-compromise blade sharpening technique that allows you to skate faster with less effort and experience precise control on turns and stops, so you get maximum bite and maximum glide all the time. The secret: the Blackstone® SPINNER SYSTEM: a breakthrough new coated disc system that dresses the radius and shape of the grinding wheel so that it can create sharpening on the bottom of the blade. The FBV® system does not alter rocker radius or remove any more steel than conventional sharpening.

Another advantage of the FBV® system is that you can “fine tune” the combination of speed and agility that’s right for you. Initial testing and feedback tells us that 90/75 is relative to the edge of a traditional 5/8 - 3/4 circular hollow and the 90/50 is relative to the 1 inch circular hollow and the 100/75 setting to the edge of a 1/2 to 3/8 circular hollow.
However the skating sensation is so superior to what you’re used to, you have to experience it on the ice to know which one is best for you. Simply by noting the setting of your sharpening before you take to the ice, you’ll know which aspect to dial up or down to get the balance that best suits your skating style and personal preferences.
Most skaters feel that 90/75 is a good starting point and from there you can work with your pro shop to decide if you prefer the edges to be more or less sharp.